Cookie Consent by Free Privacy Policy website Logging Company: BDSL SHIPPING LIMITED | Forests Portal


The corporate information these results are derived from was last updated in June 2022.

Logging Operations

Province Concession Area (Ha) Licence Type Licence Number Year(s) Acquired Period (years) Contractor/Exporter Parent Company Log Exports
W. Sepik Youlil (Agriculture) n/a TA 10-86 n/a n/a BDSL SHIPPING LIMITED JAMBO TRAK LIMITED
W. Sepik Elis (Agriculture) n/a TA 10-88 n/a n/a BDSL SHIPPING LIMITED JAMBO TRAK LIMITED
W. Sepik Dalpi (Agriculture) n/a TA 10-91 n/a n/a BDSL SHIPPING LIMITED JAMBO TRAK LIMITED
W. Sepik Sapo Agroforest Dev Block 8A n/a TA 10-126 n/a n/a BDSL SHIPPING LIMITED No parent
W. Sepik Wari Intergrated Agri. n/a TA 10-130 n/a n/a BDSL SHIPPING LIMITED No parent

Related Logging Companies

1 companies involved in logging contracts with BDSL SHIPPING LIMITED

Contractor/Exporter Parent Company

Company to Company Connections

0 companies listed by the Investment Promotion Authority as having held shares in, or had shares held by, BDSL SHIPPING LIMITED

People Involved

4 people listed by the Investment Promotion Authority as a past or present director, shareholder or secretary of BDSL SHIPPING LIMITED

Person Investigative Reports Role Start End
Peter Ngee Hoe NGU 1 Shareholder 2013 2019
Peter Ngee Hoe NGU 1 Director 2013 2019
Jonathan Ngee Kiong NGU 0 Shareholder 2019 2022
Jonathan Ngee Kiong NGU 0 Director 2019 2022
Lee Lee PUT 0 Shareholder 2013 2019
Lee Lee PUT 0 Director 2013 2019
Mang Koud LAU 0 Shareholder 2019
Mang Koud LAU 0 Director 2019

Associated Addresses

7 addresses listed by the Investment Promotion Authority for BDSL SHIPPING LIMITED

Po Box 108, Boroko, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea
P.O. Box 377, Vanimo, Sandaun Province, Papua New Guinea
Po Box 388, Vanimo, Sandaun Province, Papua New Guinea
Section 13, Allotment 14, Vanimo, Sandaun Province, Papua New Guinea
Section 13, Allotment 4, Vanimo, Sandaun Province, Papua New Guinea
Section 28, Lot 6, East Tower, Vanimo, Sandaun Province, Papua New Guinea
Section 515, Lots 4 & 5, Waigani Drive, Hohola, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea